BORIS is UNSW's research performance metrics system that encapsulates data from external and enterprise data sources to display data on research activity and bibliometric performance undertaken by current UNSW researchers.
The system has been designed to provide academics with a view of research performance at a faculty, school and individual level, and to facilitate interdisciplinary and other collaboration by displaying publicly available information from multiple data sources in one system. BORIS does not provide a complete representation of a researcher's performance nor does it provide information on a person's research record relative to opportunity (ROPE). The following areas have been identified for consideration in future releases: interdisciplinary research, HASS discipline outputs, and research engagement and impact.
By logging in, you are agreeing not to disclose, reproduce or distribute any information contained within BORIS, including but not limited to: attached documents, reports, correspondence and emails, to any person, firm or corporation other than UNSW staff who have a legitimate need for the information. In this regard you are reminded University staff are subject to the obligations of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).
All current UNSW full-time and fractional full-time academic staff members have automatically been granted access to BORIS.
Please sign in using your UNSW zID@ad.unsw.edu.au and zPass.
Please contact the BORIS Team if you would like to provide feedback, make an enquiry, or find out more about BORIS.
Email: BORIS.RADAR@unsw.edu.au
Disclaimer: This is the BORIS Testing website and the data and information contained within this environment should not be used for any reporting purposes.